Beware of those so called Internet Experts who try to sell you likes, followers or the idea of reciprocity. If your online presence is not organically grown, it is all for nothing. Why do it? I would rather have a smaller population who engage and I know than thousands of people who I don’t know or do not engage.
Here are a few of well known, credible and reputable people on the web, who state social media is more than just about the numbers. If you don’t know who they are, and you are in the Internet marketing business, you should do something else. Seriously.
Below are a some quotes and one video from said people. Take heed.
Gary VaynerChuck
“The scale of impressions, or the scale of followers is simply not the end game anymore. Sure it’s a part of the equation, but to give that idea so much stock is just ludicrous and totally misses the point of what makes a platform like Twitter so incredibly unique.” – Gary Vaynerchuk
Read more at It’s Not About the Numbers.
“We all might love Facebook for a wide variety of reasons, but that means jack if our audiences don’t interact with us on Facebook.”
Read more at Bye Facebook
Chris Brogan
“Let’s get right to it: measuring how many people commented on a blog post shows you that people are engaging. Unless you’re looking for awareness-only, all you’ve measured is that someone has commented on the blog post. Views of a YouTube video? Same thing. Hits on a blog or website? Same.
Measure what you need to change. Sales? Subscriptions? Trials? Whatever the next action is you need to accomplish through your communications effort, make that measurement (which you’re already measuring for your traditional business communications needs) the same number to track. ” – Chris Brogan
Read more at Getting Back to Your Desk.
The idea behind this message is “In the Power of One”, rather than “Strength in Numbers”, but somehow both can become “one in the same”. I agree that every ‘voice’ is special and unique in that every blog/tweet/post has a message. Depending on what the message is that you want to send, should depend on who you want to reach. However, I also believe that every ‘public’ message sent, should be sent knowing that it could have one or many views, with or without intentional/unintentional consequences either personally or professionally. Every public post matters, as it is a person who ultimately reads it. Something everyone should all keep in mind when on social media.
Exactly. I think one of the points I refer to and think it is important to understand is, you want quality rather than quantity. Also, it is better for organic (voluntary) followers or engagement vs purchased.
I have coached my clients to be weary of services that promise page 1, thousands of followers or un-natural engagement. Not worth it and people will recognize it sooner or later.
You can’t buy popularity, that is for sure. Plus it becomes pretty obvious as to who has real or bought Likes. I agree with Chris, what’s the end game? If you hit it with only the smallest bit of engagement, job well done. Mission accomplished.
It is quite lovely though to see your Twitter followers grow or watch a thread of animated comments unfold on a blog from real live people!